Monday 16 March 2009

Is Stopping Smoking Cold Turkey Possible?

You may have heard lots of people quitting smoking cold turkey. This approach is used by the more 'brave' smokers that are able to control their smoking cravings to the maximum. Stopping smoking cold turkey basically means you give up cigarettes all at once, rather than what doctors usually recommend to gradually reduce the number of daily cigarettes. The latter method will not work. Recent statistics show that an average of 1 in 1000 heavy smokers have not been able to quit the habit permanently using the 'reducing method'.

People that use Nicorette gum or patches do not realize that they become addicted to them overtime. As you might already know this type of smoking aids supply nicotine in certain quantities to the body. From my point of view they aren't the answer to quit smoking permanently.

If you're ready to quit smoking cold turkey you will need the proper mindset -- it's not that easy. If you've already tried to give up cigarettes cold turkey and failed you're free to try again. Meanwhile be sure to drink plenty of water, eat fresh fruit and vegetables and avoid processed foods. Daily exercises are highly important while quitting smoking. Exercises will not only keep you in a better shape but you will be able to avoid the possible weight gain and relieve tension and anxiety that the cravings will cause.

Your friends and family play an important role as well. You definitely need support and the stop smoking aids will not provide it. You've maybe had a bad day and feel like lighting up a cigarette, wait don't it! Call one of your friends and tell them that you finally managed to quit. It'll be much better, actually this is what friends are for -- Love, Care and Support.

Stop smoking cigarettes today and you'll be able to live a much healthier and productive lifestyle.

If you really want to Quit Smoking Now and learn how to kick this habit out of your life using our tips and suggestions to their fullest with great results in less than a week please visit my web site below. Stop smoking quickly and easily today using the one tested, proven and simplest NLP method on the web!

Read more about the Quit Smoking Today Program!

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    Thanks for sharing such wonderful post. I feel one must practice deep breathing to quit smoking forever.
